How badly do you want it?
To be debt-free? To get a promotion? To write a book? To start the dream biz? To run a marathon?
Giving life to those dreams takes a lot of juice. The recipe for this smoothie calls for dedication, priorities, commitment and, the star ingredient, passion.
Notice that balance isn’t on that list? Balance tends to dilute the drink. Goals have deadlines. Balance delays things and keeps goals in the backburner.
What does it take to raise an Olympic athlete?
I have tuned in to every Olympic Games since 1994 and I have never asked that question. The 2012 Summer Olympics is the first one that I’ll be watching as a mother. I am beginning to realize that the mothers behind these elite athletes are as admirable as their all-stars.
Just imagine everything they must have done to give their child a chance at a gold medal.
I'm Nat Nanton, founder of Tutu Mama. Becoming a mother has made me commit to living my greatest life. If you can relate to that, you're in the right place.15 Tips On How To Be The Hottest Mama You Know