So you’ve heard of bucket lists: the fun kind of TTD list that you aim to accomplish before you die. Well, I’ve decided to make me a bucket list of the season. I’m not planning on dying at the end of Spring; I just think it’s a great to make the most of it.

So, how are those New Year’s resolutions coming along? It is February 1st. Which means 2012 is old news now. The excitement of a new year has faded. For most, February 1st means 2012 resolutions are just a memory…that we try really hard to forget.
If you’re not even close to being on track with this year’s goals, it’s not too late. That was only 31 days ago. There is plenty of hope.
Today’s Mama’s Music Mantra is about making 2012 a year of change. The song pick: A Change Gon’ Come by Sam Cooke. Now turn up those speakers, click play, and read on!
How to Stay On Your Grind
Mama’s Evolution
“For moms who don’t feel tied down by their kids but freed by them. At Mama’s Evolution we do everything. With love!”
“Its Not the Mountain We Conquer, But Ourselves” -Unknown
I have no desire to climb Mt. Everest. I did however, climb Grouse Mountain. Some stats about the hike, affectionately named the Grouse Grind:
2830 stairs (more like fireplace logs jammed into the dirt…not the nice sturdy cement ones you find in your office building)
2800 ft. elevation gain
Average time: 1.5 hours
My goal : 1 hour (a random number based on my competitive impulse)
A photo of my husband and I post-Grind…hence me having to lean on him for support.
It was grueling. But so worth it! More than elevation, I gained insight into the internal battles we are up against when we challenge ourselves.
Click “continue reading” below to watch my video and find out what I learned on my journey to the top.
Mama’s Evolution
“For moms who don’t feel tied down by their kids but freed by them. At Mama’s Evolution we do everything. With love!”
“Those Who Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail”. –someone wise
The video last week got the ball rolling in the direction of your dreams by showing you how to create vision boards. Now buckle up cuz we’re about to gain some momentum using the Natural Planning Method as advised by the productivity guru, David Allen, in Getting Things Done.
Click “continue reading” below to watch the video.
Mama’s Evolution
“For moms who don’t feel tied down by their kids but freed by them. At Mama’s Evolution we do everything. With love!”
Turning Dreams Into Reality
Being a chronic daydreamer is no fun. It’s time to live it! Wouldn’t you want your children to chase their dreams? Lets show ’em how it’s done! In this video, I talk about how Pinterest can help you create a snazzy vision board.
Now click play to see just how this community can change your life! O and Obama makes an appearance at min. 2:24, place close attention. We’re tight like that.
Click “continue reading” below to watch the video.
I'm Nat Nanton, founder of Tutu Mama. Becoming a mother has made me commit to living my greatest life. If you can relate to that, you're in the right place.15 Tips On How To Be The Hottest Mama You Know