16 Things Lucky People Do Differently
You know those people who win every radio, Facebook, blog contest out there? Since you clicked on this post, I’m going to guess you’re not one of them.
Good news: you can be.
Luck isn’t all chance. A big chunk of the equation is how you’re holding up in your role as co-creator of your world.
Sounds fluffy, but take it from me. I was so used to winning nothing…until around a year or so ago, when my lucky streak started.
In the last year alone, I have won gym memberships, yoga passes, conference tickets, jewelry, clothing, books and more. And I swear, I’m not that girl who spends her weekend hunting down online giveaways. I’ve never even bought a lottery ticket.
Speaking of, last week I won the lottery! AY-OH! The lottery was for a community garden plot. It may not be a million dollars, but to me, it’s a big deal. With 200 people on the waitlist and a 5-year turnover rate, I’m pretty flippin’ happy about winning a plot.
Now let me share what allowed me to make the shift from being luckless to inviting luck into my orbit.
Lucky Are Those Who:
1. Believe they are deserving.
2. Visualize lucky moments.
3. Take action.
4. Aren’t bound by their circumstances.
5. Practice gratitude often.
6. Are opportunists.
7. Appreciate wrong decisions for getting them closer to the right one.
8. Are ever-ready to embark on the unexpected journey.
9. Let faith fuel their dreams.
10. Pop a perspective pill for “unlucky” days.
11. Share the wealth.
12. Always have enough.
13. Don’t let fear get in the way.
14. Know that no dream is ever too big.
15. Consider themselves to be lucky to have the basic necessities like health, clean air, and shelter.
16. Don’t consider it luck. They call it manifesting, co-creating, and being blessed.
So you see? Luck is more of a choice than we think it is.
Next week, I’ll be giving you a chance to practice the ways of the lucky. I’m giving away one copy of “Beautiful Girl: Celebrating the Wonders of Your Body” by Dr. Christiane Northrup, a gorgeously illustrated book that encourages a positive body image for any little girl who reads it.
Sign up for my newsletter to be notified as soon as the contest goes live.
Now I turn it over to you. In the comments below, share 3 things that you consider yourself lucky to have.
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I'm Nat Nanton, founder of Tutu Mama. Becoming a mother has made me commit to living my greatest life. If you can relate to that, you're in the right place.15 Tips On How To Be The Hottest Mama You Know