Things That Make You Go “Ooo”: Obama
Things That Make You Go “Ooo” (TTMYGO) is a series that shares inspiration aching to be discovered. This is the stuff that adds pizazz to your life. I promise to knock your socks off with all kinds of awesome (projects, people, pictures, perspectives…and other finds that don’t start with “p”). Tell me what you think and share your own discoveries in the comments below…they might just end up on my next TTMYGO post.
Being the day after the US 2012 elections, TTMYGO has no choice but to kick things off with Obama.
Trust that this post is from a purely non-political perspective. I don’t follow politics. I follow show-stoppers.
1. A Motivating Quote On Hope

My favourite line from his 2012 acceptance speech
If hope were a man, he would be a black man in the USA, with a name that rhymes with “Osama”…and he’d run for president anyway.
He would be elected during one of the most challenging times in US history, face harsh criticism for not delivering to the country’s expectations…but he would run for president anyway.
American or not. Republican or Democrat.
You have to agree that Obama is going down in the books for showing us that any dream is attainable, as long as you have hope.
2. You Fucking Did It by Jason Mraz
Warning: you will have the urge to learn to rap along to this song. Don’t fight it.
GOOD tune! The percussion, the harmony, the lyrics!
I first heard the song when Jason Mraz and Mona Tavakoli performed it for Ellen Degeneres on the night she was awarded the Mark Twain Prize.
But after last night’s events, I’m sure Ellen would understand why, this time around, the song goes out to Obama.
You fucking did it, Obama!
Turn it up for all the a-w-e-s-o-m-e people you know (including yourself, obviously).
(I should mention, I’m not a fan of foul language but the clean version just doesn’t cut it in these scenarios, you know?)
So? Did this post make you “ooo”? What have you stumbled upon lately that hit you at your core?
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I'm Nat Nanton, founder of Tutu Mama. Becoming a mother has made me commit to living my greatest life. If you can relate to that, you're in the right place.15 Tips On How To Be The Hottest Mama You Know