The Secret To Fitness That Nobody Tells You About
Have you ever struggled to keep a fitness routine alive and kicking? Your on-again-off-again relationship with your workout routine may be because you’re following advice given by experts in magazines, online…etc. While the pros may know their stuff, the one thing they can’t tell you, is what works for YOU.

Quote by Gretchen Rubin.
And fitness has got to be fun!
The only way to make sure that you stay on that bandwagon, is to design a fitness regime to match your unique personality. Get to know your inner fitness freak and you’ll have your trainers laced up and raring to go, everyday. So instead of following the next fitness fad, ask yourself the following 5 questions:
1) What does having a fitness routine mean to you?
a. “It means I can conquer the world with a postpartum six-pack.”
b. “It means having my body be so tired that Facebook at 2 a.m. is just not an option.”
c. “It means building up my right arm, a.k.a chicken wing, so that it matches my left arm, a.k.a baby sling.”
Once you know the purpose of your workout endeavors, you can choose activities to help you work towards your goals.
2) Are you an introvert or extrovert exerciser?
a. “My workout doubles as Mommy’s alone time.”
b. “Having a workout buddy eliminates the boredom that hits after 5 minutes on the treadmill.”
c. “I feed off of the energy of a group. It’s my turn to yell “PUUUUSH””.
Make your workout work for you. If you’d hold back at bootcamp, you might be better off solo.
3) What is your desired heart rate?
a. “Give me blood-pumping, sweat-dripping, barely-breathing…workout routines.”
b. “Who says yoga isn’t a kick-butt workout? Why do you think I fall asleep in Shavasana pose?”
Depending on your answer, you’ll know whether this mother should sign up for Tough Mudder or do a 30-day yoga challenge.
4) Where are you most comfortable looking like a train-wreck and cheering yourself on…out loud?
a. “At home. Baby won’t judge me for checking out my “form” in the mirror (come on, we all do it)”.
b. “The gym is my excuse for buying Lululemon gear.”
c. “Outdoors. Fresh air over ugly hair.”
Your answer should prevent you from purchasing the next 90%-off-1-year-membership deal that you’ll only end up using for a week.
5) What time of day are you most motivated to workout?
a. “I like to Kung Fu kickstart my day with a sweat.”
b. “I need a mid-day workout to pick me up.”
c. “I like to sweat when the sun, and the kids, go down.”
Instead of googling “when is the best time to workout”, look it up in your inner search engine. It really doesn’t matter what JLo’s personal trainer recommends.
We are lucky to have free fitness resources and tips at our finger tips. But before you turn to them, look within. You’re always more likely to stick with what makes you tick.
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5 Responses to The Secret To Fitness That Nobody Tells You About
Leave a Reply to Nat Nanton Cancel reply
I'm Nat Nanton, founder of Tutu Mama. Becoming a mother has made me commit to living my greatest life. If you can relate to that, you're in the right place.15 Tips On How To Be The Hottest Mama You Know
I prevent workout burnout by having a personal trainer. I never know what I’m going to do in my next session. I like the variety.
Sweet! Worked in a personal training studio once. Those PT’s work hard to mix it up for you.
I prefer workout at home with dvds from beachbody team, be it turbo fire or brazilian butt, really works for me, easy and save lots of my time and the most important it's really fun and I am enjoying it 🙂
I prefer workout at home with dvds from beachbody team, be it turbo fire or brazilian butt, really works for me, easy and save lots of my time and the most important it’s really fun and I am enjoying it 🙂
I’m with you on the home workouts. I’ll check out those dvd’s. You had me at “brazilian butt”. My favorite home workout is Check out it and let me know what you think! Thanks for stopping by Erykya.