Introducing Tutu Mama’s Blog
And this here is my blog. Welcome. I will be using this cyberspace to post under three categories:
- Inspirations: all things/people/events..etc that make me want to be a better mother, entrepreneur, designer.
Aspirations: they say, that once you tell others about your goals, you become accountable, and the goals get accomplished. So allow me to share with you my dreams and aims in life, love and handmade tutus.
Perspirations: ahh doesn’t it feel good to sweat. I’ll be posting about all the trials and tribulations, smiles and elations that go along with the process of being a Mama, determined to do everything. With love.
Do Everything.
Rewind a year or so back, when the news was out that a little life was growing inside me. A day did not pass without someone cautioning me that “life will never be the same again”. And of course, I realize that is 100% true. But, aside from the obvious, what they really meant to say was: the fun is over. (*womp womp*). And that, could not be further from the truth!
Since Tiana, I constantly feel my brain re-wiring, my body changing (you can say that again!), and my heart opening. Don’t get me wrong, life didn’t magically turn into a cherry blossom tree (I’ll take that over a bed of roses any day!). But Tiana has given me this new-found courage to conquer my fears. She is all the motivation I need to live my dreams. And despite the sleepless nights, I have more energy than ever before! So you know what this means, let the fun n’ games begin! I’m using these perks that motherhood offers to do everything which, previously, had only existed in my dreams before baby arrived.
With Love.
I believe this perspective on motherhood will only enhance my ability as a mother. Afterall, you have to love yourself before you can love another to your full potential. Being a Mama doesn’t have to be associated with terms like: hectic, sacrifice, flabby. We can change those terms to: productive, healthy, acheivers…all while loving the babes to the max! Its’ possible Mama’s. In fact, more now than when you didn’t have a bundle of joy. The help, support and encouragement of family, friends, and community exponentially multiplies when you become a mother!
So let me ask you,which dreams have you swept under the playmat? Was it to become a salsa queen, sport a smokin’ bod, learn a language? Comment below to let me know!
Photographs by Ami Sanyal Photography6 Responses to Introducing Tutu Mama’s Blog
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I'm Nat Nanton, founder of Tutu Mama. Becoming a mother has made me commit to living my greatest life. If you can relate to that, you're in the right place.15 Tips On How To Be The Hottest Mama You Know
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I love you and I love how you do everything with love. You inspire me to be a better person and to follow my dreams. I know that you will succeed in everything you do, which by the way, you already have. 🙂 xoxo
P.S. What is your secret to a HOT, SMOKIN, bod 😉
Jojo Ma. Thanks for all the support! *muah!
P.S. I’m blushing over here re: hot, smokin’ bod. lol. 80% nutrition baby! 😉
Congrats Natalia, you have a great mission statement here and I know with your leadership & entrepreunorial skills you will have nothing but success. Let the creativity flow 😉
Mel! Love the encouraging words! xoxo
I am so proud of you Nat!
Keep up the creative inspiration and I wish you much success with Tutu Mama’s
Thanks Vinny! 🙂