Today’s Mama’s Music Mantra is about making 2012 a year of change. The song pick: A Change Gon’ Come by Sam Cooke.  Now turn up those speakers, click play, and read on!

Mantra: “I know a change gon’ come,

O yes it will!”

I’ve heard that every cell in the human body is replaced within 7-10 years. I’m not sure just how scientifically accurate that is, nor am I interested in that. That statement shows me that if we can change at the cellular level, we should be able to change our ways, habits, and situations. We can be whoever we want to be!

Now, whether you’re planning for big or small changes this year, lets take a look at just how serious you are about change. The Gleicher Formula for change allows you to measure this and set you up for success.

D x V x F > R

D: dissatisfaction V: vision F: first steps R: resistance

Let’s say that you’ve decided that 2012 is the year you start living a healthy lifestyle. According to the Gleicher formula, for this to actually happen, the combination of:

  • your (D)issatisfaction with your current lifestyle (a.k.a number on the weighing scale);
  • your (V)ision of a slimmer, healthier, happier you (ie. fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans, finishing marathons…etc.);
  • the (F)irst steps required to get you closer to your vision (ie. joining a gym, making healthy meal plans…etc.)

must be greater than the (R)esistance you have to losing the extra weight (fear, ego, doubt…etc.). In this instance, you might be intimidated at the idea of stepping foot in a gym. If your gym phobia is stronger than the product of (D)(V)(F), a change isn’t going to come.

My Two Cents

(DVF) + (BS) > R

In my opinion, if you add in a little (BS), you increase your chances against (R)esistance. A strong (B)elief that you deserve success and are capable of such a task, will definitely help you. Multiply that by (S)haring your plans with others; not only will you become accountable, but you will gain supporters as well.  Take that, (R)esistance!

What next?

  1. What are you planning on changing in 2012? (S)hare your answer in the comments below.
  2. Subscribe to my blog so that you don’t miss a post!
  3. Pass on the post to your friends. Click the “like” or “tweet” buttons below!






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